Minor blog update
The blog is now updated thanks to Laurens200! The update is that you can now post as an anonymous user and don't need to be a member of blogger. But you need a word verification though. Thank you Laurens200 for noticing me!
The blog is now updated thanks to Laurens200! The update is that you can now post as an anonymous user and don't need to be a member of blogger. But you need a word verification though. Thank you Laurens200 for noticing me!
Posted by Andy at 1:11 PM
You may also want to change the title of the blog, it is now called "Welcome to the".
Thats the best thing I and Mick can figure out to be there since we HAVE to have a header (we can't remove it!:( )
As andy said, we can't remove it. We would love to but can't. (We also can't find it on the HTML)
You can do it with HTML. (I just tested it)
Select all the code. Replace all (ctrl + H, but that is in fronntpage) 'welcome to the' for anything you want, and than change the part that should be called 'welcome to the' back to it and you're done.
Laurens, I must admit that I don't understand what you are meaning. Could you please be a bit more detailed in your instructions? Thanks!
EDIT: I fixed it!! Yippie!!!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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