April 4, 2007

Robotics Invention System Joystick

I was browsing on brickshelf for a good model to post when I cam upon a joystick made with Robotics Invention System. Now before I get into the design, heres the Brickshelf folder. The design has a really great good bracing system for the actual joystick. It's very similar to Philippe Hurbain's joystick. This was made by one of NXTasy's newer members, Laurens200. Good job Laurens200!



Anonymous said...

Hey, that's Laurens from LMB. I didn't know he also where on NXTasy. He doesn't have any rotation sensors so it uses two light sensors. He also uses a light sensor to his steering wheel, I really like that one.
You can also check his website for his other robots.

Andy said...

Mick: Why don't you use html for the links? I can edit the post's links and use html on them.

Laurens Valk said...

Yup, that's mine. I have joined NXtasy for the second MXTasy challenge.

Nice blog btw.
P.S. you should allow anonymous comments, more people can comment then.

Andy said...

I'll try to enable that!

Michael said...

Andy said: "Mick: Why don't you use html for the links? I can edit the post's links and use html on them."
I don't use HTML very much so I don't understand the system.